Our Activities and Projects
Venice Diplomatic Society carries out multiple activities and projects, from debating to publishing articles, from organizing meetings and conferences to actively participating in education initiatives for young people in schools. Whether you are interested in taking part in some of them or whether you're just curious about what we do, you're in the right place!

VDS International Hour
VDS International Hour is the official blog of the Venice Diplomatic Society. Here, members publish their thoughts and insights in the form of articles and papers, with the aim of raising awareness about international affairs and global history. Go to the Blog page to check them out!
Debate Society
The Debate Society recalls the Oxford style debate: two or four debaters discuss a motion defending their own position (in favor or against), chaired by one moderator. The voting procedure is held before and after the debate to assess whether debaters boosted the house to change their mind or not. Go to the Events page to find out if a debate is planned soon!

VDS@School encompasses every single activity VDS partners with educational institutions (middle school, high school, college): GAF (Giornate di Auto-Formazione) Liceo Levi - Montebelluna, MUN@School - PCTO (Percorsi per le competenze trasversali e per l’orientamento), Career Days, Open Days, Welcoming Days, Kids University, Active Learning Lab.
Since 2016, we have been organizing both Model United Nations (Venice Universities' Model United Nations - VeUMUN) and Model European Union (Venice Universities' Model European Union - VeUMEU), simulations of the plenary sessions of the UN and EU respectively.
VeUMUNs and VeUMEUs are VDS' most ambitious projects. Once the participants have been sorted into committees, chambers or press corps, they discuss the assigned topics to get to the final Resolution or Amended Proposals of Directive.

Events and Recruiting Team
The Events and Recruiting Team is primarily in charge of welcoming new members and providing further information to people interested in joining our association. It also organizes social meetings to foster a sense of community among the members.
![VELA Logo[1].png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/45eab8_ff8c5b5d3cd6470088ef5f40a8fa007e~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_325,h_214,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/VELA%20Logo%5B1%5D.png)
VELA’s mission is to host lectures and workshops led by academics, industry experts, and thought leaders who share their insights, experiences, and advice.
It is more than lectures; it’s a dynamic network.